Stand-alone CWSF production unit
ГУУМПStand-alone CWSF production unit is a unique development from Amalthea-Service and Effective Energy Technologies GmbH (Austria). Unit has low-energy consumption for producing CWSF and characterized with stable CWSF characteristics and wide range of possible coals.


  • CWSF history ( 2 Articles )
    History of Coal-Water Slurry Fuel, in Russia and abroad
  • CWSF Preparing ( 4 Articles )

    Everything about CWSF preparation:

    • Methods review
    • Equipment comparison

  • CWSF combustion ( 2 Articles )
    Everything about CWSF combustion.
  • Storage ( 1 Article )
    CWSF storage
  • Economy ( 5 Articles )
    Economical efficiency of CWSF
  • Facts about CWSF ( 13 Articles )
    Some major facts about Coal-Water Slurry Fuel.
  • frontpage ( 4 Articles )

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